Third World Newsreel (TWN)
Third World Newsreel (TWN) fosters the creation and dissemination of independent media by and about people of color on social justice and political issues. Emerging from an African American, Latino/a, and Asian American caucus of members who critiqued the Newsreel organization (founded in 1968) as too white, privileged, and male, Third World Newsreel was founded in 1973. For five decades, Third World Newsreel has functioned as an important alternative media production and distribution outlet. It supports diverse forms and genres made by artists intimately connected to their subjects through common bonds of ethnic/cultural heritage, class position, gender, sexual orientation and political identification. TWN’s documentary, experimental, and narrative media propels social change and critical thinking. Supporting aggressive affirmative action advocacy in media, it offers workshops, training, production offices, and facilities. It distributes over 600 films.