Producers' Forum: The People’s Way by Ashley Tyner and William Tyner
Producers' Forum: The People’s Way by Ashley Tyner and William Tyner
The People’s Way by Ashley Tyner and William Tyner (USA, 2025, 75 minutes)
At the intersection of East 38th Street and Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis, three community organizers—Jeanelle Austin, Toshira Garraway, and Robin Wonsley— embark on various and interweaving journeys after George Floyd’s murder to care for their communities, find inner healing, and forge a path towards Black liberation. Each one does this in their own way, whether demanding accountability for the murder of a community member by police, building a community-centered approach to public safety, or commemorating and preserving a public space for recovery from police violence.
Ashley Tyner is a writer, filmmaker, and Special Projects Editor at i-D Magazine, where she works to create space to amplify marginalized voices in the worlds of art and culture. She writes and produces across print, audio, and video formats, with a focus on designing editorial experiences that translate into community events and service-driven initiatives.
William Tyner is an anthropologist, filmmaker, and UX Researcher at Google. William is also the recipient of the 2018-2019 Fulbright-National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellowship, where he studied the intersection of civil society and technology in post-communist Romania.
Scribe Video Center - 3908 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia PA, 19104