AT CAPACITY: Produce and Host your own Radio Show/Podcast

AT CAPACITY: Produce and Host your own Radio Show/Podcast

2 Sessions -- Tuesdays, February 11 & 18, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
$45, $30 for Scribe members and Philly broadcasters
Jimmy Bonds and Tyrone Richardson

Embark on your journey into the world of podcasting and radio with our immersive class! Learn the art of crafting compelling content, audio production techniques, and cultivating your unique voice under the guidance of seasoned industry professionals from WPEB 88.1FM Tyrone Richardson & Jimmy Bonds of the Jimmy Bonds Podcast. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, discover the skills needed to bring your ideas to life, find your voice, and captivate audiences in this dynamic and hands-on course.

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Scribe Video Center

Event Type: 
Special Presentations