Producers Forum: Carl Lee

Producers Forum: Carl Lee

Friday, September 27, 7 - 9pm
$7.50 General Admission, $5 Students/Seniors, $4 Scribe Members

Unity Island looks at 1/4 square mile stretch of land situated between Niagara River and Black Rock Canal at the border of Buffalo, NY and Fort Erie, Ontario. A railroad crosses the island from Canada to the U.S., passing by a park visited by picnickers, bicyclists, and fishermen. Freight trains cross the canal lock via a swing bridge which rotates open for boats and the occasional freight ship. A hill sits on the former site of an incineration plant and garbage dump. From there you can get a 360° view of the island, the city, the river, and the highway. Shot on 16mm film, this three-screen installation is a personal exploration of the site over time in an attempt to reveal its beauty, its moments, and its contradictions. Carl Lee will be there in person for the opening night of the installation.

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Scribe Video Center

Event Type: 
Producers' Forum