How Our Garden Grows: A Portrait of the After-School Program at St. Gabriels
Individual Film Price:
Higher Education Institutions & Government Agency DVD | $49.95
K-12 & Public Libraries DVD | $49.95
Home Video DVD License – Restrictions Apply | $5.95
Community Visions Compilation Price:
This video is available for purchase as part of a Community Visions Vol. 6 compilation DVD.
Higher Education Institutions & Government Agency DVD | $139.00
K-12 & Public Libraries DVD | $79.00
Home Video DVD License – Restrictions Apply | $20.00
Scribe Video Center Program:
The Community Visions program teaches documentary video-making skills to members of community organizations in Philadelphia, Chester and Camden (NJ). A powerful way to document community concerns, celebrate cultural diversity, and comment on the human condition, Community Visions is a part of Scribe’s mission to explore, develop and advance the use of video, film, audio and interactive technology as artistic tools and as tools for progressive social change.
Project Facilitators: Lise Yasui & Cindy Burstein
Film Summary:
The After School Program in Olney works with community organizations and artists to create an environment that addresses the multiple ways children and their families need support. The imaginative video documents how the artists and teachers, through various art, music and dance projects, nurture the development of children and offer essential ingredients of their "growing garden."
Founded in 1990, Urban Bridges at St. Gabrielís "[provides] nurturing educational opportunities for people of all ages in the creative arts, computer technology and literacy." The program is located in the Olney-Feltonville section of Philadelphia, and provides after-school programs focusing on literacy, the visual and performing arts, and technology, for approximately 352 children.