Tech Guide for Zoom Class Participants

1. Registration

Once registered for a class, you will be emailed a Zoom link that we be the same for every class session. A Zoom account is not required to be a participant in a class. A computer or phone is required to join a Zoom meeting, and if you want to use audio and video, you’ll need a webcam and microphone, which are built in to most computers. If you prefer to call into the Zoom meeting using your phone line, we can provide the call number to do so.

2. Settings

When you join a Zoom meeting, you can select ‘join with computer/internet audio’ to use your computer’s microphone and speakers or headphones.

Once you are in the Zoom meeting, in the bottom left of the screen you will see a microphone icon. You can click that icon to mute and unmute your audio. When muted the icon will be red with a line through it. If you click the arrow next to the microphone you can select other audio sources to use, if you have multiple mics connected. The camera icon next to that is used the same way, to mute and unmute video, and to select the camera source.

Using headphones and muting your microphone when you are not speaking is a good way to avoid echo, feedback or other audio quality issues.

If you’d like to leave questions or comments to the class while someone else is speaking, click the ‘chat’ button at the bottom of the screen, and type your chat into the window on the right.

3. Recordings

The class may be recorded and posted to Vimeo so students can revisit sessions, or see any sessions they may have missed. If you have an issue with the class being recorded, please let us know.

4. Contact

Email Dan the Tech Director at with any questions on using Zoom, and email Lou the Media Center Manager with questions about class payment, registration and notifications.